collaboration Friends london

Getting up in the school loos

Its easy to complain and harder to fix complaints. In this time of public spending cuts the friction between supply and demand of society and its infrastructure are at crisis. In the end i suppose, the message is if you want it done then fix it yourself. So we did, the loos for years 5 + 6 were in poor order and the parents teachers and care-taking staff all pitched in to repaint and spruce them up. A long day for the one coat crew and the kind help of Zadok from dead leg and Plastic bones.

customized Friends

Tire Decals

Better shots of the decals i and Alex from Plastic Bones made for Bene and Glen for the White hat charity rally from london to Venice, good luck boys!!!

customized Friends


Last night put some decals i designed and Alex from Plastic Bones cut onto a friends car entered for the White Hat Rally to Venice, excuse the poor photo we didn’t finish till the early hours. Agent 008 and Agent 008 & 3/4 are at this moment tearing across France if you want to donate then  follow this link . Its all in a good cause with the money going to the NSPCC. Good luck fellas don’t pick up too many tickets.