Competition london

Competition time winners

Thanks to everyone who entered the #IAMHERE competition – lots of great entries made it hard for the judges.. Sorry it’s taken so long to announce the winners, things have been hectic and I’m travelling..

First prize and second prize goes to a brother and sister team all the way from Australia, who’s mum entered them both @rachelwood82 on twitter and @Maragrade on instagram.

Rachel says: “kids had a ball doing it & we got some great shots! We moved here from the country in Victoria, Australia in December. London has introduced us to the world of street art, and the kids are ALWAYS on the lookout for it now.” Good to see some rude kid vandals in training..

Third prize goes to @1singo from instagram who has the wonderful “You are here” tee shirt

Forth prize goes to @yasminecamilla, whose adorable daughter was made to pose for the competition – had to pick her because she is so damn cute.

Fifth prize goes to the enigmatic @wanderingairhostess.

Thanks to RISE Gallery and Croydon Rising festival for making it all happen..

Competition Festival treasure hunt

Competition Time!!

I moved studios recently after 8 years…with 8 years worth of tat, cardboard tubes, knick knacks and trash. Some of this stuff i just haven’t got room for, some i am tired looking at it and some of it’s therapeutic. So its Competition Time! All you have to do is Photograph yourself under this flashing arrow behind East Croydon Station.

A few weeks ago for the #CroydonRising festival Croydon Council backed the installation of my I AM HERE sign See below :

Id like you to get your self down to Croydon ( details below ) Strike a pose! Be Fabulous… or not…make yourself known or at least memorable! Be imaginative? Be bold, brave, but be seen! Look at the lovely prizes on offer today!

 In order to WIN!

50 x 50 test spray for larger diet life work

Silkscreen on Babinga veneer, 1m x 55cm

Ruler in for scale 1.5x 3.2m on fabrino paper robbie the robot test spray


Ruler in for scale! Test spray on fabrino paper 2.1m x 1.5m
Mr potato test spray

A4 size work on aluminium

All you have to do make  a post of yourself under the sign to win one of a number of the above work and prints. There are 5 prizes so and they will be given to the most deserving entry. Either Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, @Dotmasters with #IAMHERE #Croydon Rising

or email it to: info[ at ]    with subject #IAMHERE

Competition ends 19th of October Winners announced 23rd Oct.

You gotta be in it to win it!


Its a regeneration zone so things change quickly round there, its of a new walkway off Dingwall road in Croydon that runs parallel with the tracks of East Croydon station

So heres the  map location

if you coming by train as you get off the train Its at the last left hand exit facing away from the station. and back into London , down the steps from the walkway  and its in front of the steps.

I Believe there is a Croydon Rising App that helps you find all the new work around town here