A half finished mural

Some beautiful night shots taken by B Tallman
So i’ve been painting a series of underpasses in Stavanger over the last few years, the latest collaborating with Martyn Reed . The idea is to make the wall look like the Summer show at the RA. The Royal academy Started in 1768 with a the type of show that was in style across Europe hanging the works with much of the walls covered by hundreds of frames these rooms were often called Salons shows.
The difference with this install is that all the easy to reach frames are empty waiting to be filled by passers by. It took 3 and a half days to put up close to a hundred frames. Thankfully i had help from Helga, calum and The J0n. On the last morning people had started to fill the frames with collage , acrylic paint and Pen. Looking forward to how this wall is going to progress, bit nervous too.