A few weeks ago , Russia invaded Ukraine. Shocked and dismayed with close friends inside the country…Of course my reaction was to make a poxy stencil and paint it somewhere. Well? what else would i do? A close friend Dr D saw my post on instagram and asked if he could use the images for a postcard run he was going to do with The Duck Pond Market which are available online.
Thinking we could raise a little bit more for each card Dr D came up with the idea of making some special editions that could be sold separately to raise more funds. There are 80 hand made postcards at £5. With 7 special collectors packs at £20. 100% of the proceeds will go to charities supporting Ukraine. You can buy them here

If you want the artwork to cut a stencil yourself and decorate your local parks Poo tin you can mail putin@dotmaster.co.uk and the reply will have links to artwork you can down load and print and cut yourselves . Remember kids NO one is going to give you grief for painting these on dog poo bins !
SOLD OUT! Thanks everyone raised nearly 800 !