So faced with a finite amount of drawers i have gone through a couple of them and discovered a load of old prints that weren’t sold at the time. Some of these i never released myself but were commissioned by an auction house in the states (these are numbered with the prefix HC (Hors Commerce) – French for “For Commercial Use as per their instructions. Most of the others are AP’s (artist proofs) and there are a few of the actual editions on some prints that were overlooked when the sales occurred (don’t ask me why, i can’t remember)
So i have put all these gems from over the years into my shop almost at the original sale prices (ive added approximately 10% for inflation)
So if you missed a edition release at the time here is a second chance to buy visiting the shop. I’ve been a bit slack in posting here so half the stuff is gone, sorry. But to make up i will be adding some more on Halloween. They’ll be some old and rare pieces from years gone by so check the shop out as new things will appear… I still need some more drawer space!!!