Voodoo doll production line in full swing! check out the early tests. No prize for guessing the face on this doll.
Tag: Mutate Britian
You will have to bear with me, the photos from here are taken on my phone. Some nice person at Glastonbury decided to pop into the Tee Pee to help themselves to my camera….thanks. The funny thing looking back on the shots i have taken are that the pictures they take on are different from those you take when you consider the frame for a camera. Probably lots of reasons, mostly they normally only see the light of day when shown on the phone that took it and may explain the following posts.
Anyhow back to as silly as it gets…here is as silly as it gets, Dan decides to base up some boards for work the next day, he’s taken 5 hours to get on site, its midnight, he has one light, a 3 day old roller and the dew is heavy, can he make the deadline?
Not much content as yet, but during the build up and while festival is on the site will be updated, check out The Unfairground
Join Glastonbury legends the Mutoid Waste Co. at their party at the end of the world, featuring their latest sculptural lunacy: The Hellcopter. The nightclub of your wildest nightmares in the form of a Royal Navy helicopter crossed with a preying mantis – dare you attempt to blag your way into the secret members lounge hidden inside? Also presenting their mechanical menagerie of mythological beats: The Unnatural History museum, PLUS daily Wacky Races mutant vehicle parades!
The brave can take a stroll down Sam Haggerty’s & The dotmasters Joker’s Sideshow Alley, where the lucky can win a limited edition Happy Doll, or indulge in the hedonistic delights of The Acid House hosted by Happy Mondays mainman / Celebrity Big Brother alumni Bez (maracas optional). And if you’re still looking for trouble, you can always pick your way through the aircraft graveyard and prop up the bar in the company of an undead aviator at the Apocalypse Hotel, or slip on your blue suede wellies and get down with the robots in Reverend Sharky’s Church Of The Holyroller, playing anything from Voodoo Swamp Blues to Jungle!
Giving Dolls
Just back the secret workshop deep in the country where preparations for Glastonbury are in full swing. Steel frames are coming together, the ‘barkers‘ have met, and the ‘oncers’ are emerging. As you can see the prizes are really coming along, 3 balls for knicker, 7 balls for £2. Try your luck in the unfairground at Glastonbury, between Shangrila & Arcadia. Look out for “CrackHeads” or “The Gobbler” sideshows with a difference from the twisted minds of the Dotmaster and Sam Haggerty.

Tickets now available online (cheaper than on the night) here http://www.eventelephant.com/mutatebritain
Early bird and advance tickets get you into the after party and the Originals and Prints Prize Draw.
Kindly donated works being raffled by: Wreckage, Dotmasters, Part2ism, Carrie Reichardt, Teddy Baden, Dr D, Snug One, David Walker, Jo Peel and more coming all the time…
Robin Hood Video
You’ve seen the pics, read the press, now see the video.
Safe Hands
This week the full Unfairground ™ Glasto crew got together for the first time… Yes it was messy, scaff pipe, wood and general workings are getting sorted, and next week the side shows go into production. But don’t worry you will be in safe hands….check out Fatties below.

Robin Hood Tax
The Robin Hood Tax were drumming up support yesterday with Mutate Britain at Cordy house in Shoreditch. An morning press call brought the cameras out on a thankfully sunny day. A small pop up show accompanied the proceedings and can be visited on Saturday and Sunday at Cordy house, Curtain road, Shoreditch. An article can be found here.

Cordy House
Just when you thought the old dog was dead, you find yourself back in cordy house with the usual suspects causing chaos. This time its the Robin Hood Tax , Dr D pasting up the walls outside, Teddy B doing the dog while Pete Dunn and Kevin sort the gallery upstairs. Thursday night see’s an opening of sorts of a like minded bunch supporting something that makes sense….i know advice from the delusional, but cordy house is alive again! Got some stuff upstairs in the show and some on the street below.