Friends group show norway Piece of sheet

Sheets of Misfits

Happy to be involved in a Christmas show in a brand new gallery space in Fornebu, on the doorstep of Oslo in Norway. Its a great line up and a mixture of original work and prints all on paper.


Works are all on paper framed and ready for your walls! There will be a few special threats on site for the opening night, and there will be some extra announcements along the way if things goes as planned. Most important, we are looking forward to hopefully see you all!

The opening night will be on Friday, December 10th at 6PM, until 9PM.
The doors will also be open on Saturday, December 11th from 12PM until 6PM for those of you who couldn’t attend the opening.
FYI: The show will last until December 21st, but by appointments only!
Reach out on mail, and we will be happy to assist.

Click the button link under to attend, or simply click here.
– Please let us know prior to the opening if you want to come for this opening night. Good thing to know if we need to buy in some extra pepperkaker and gløgg.

A pdf will be made and released after the opening. People that attend the event will get access to it first.. Any questions? Send an email to

PIECE OF SHEET – Forneburingen 57, 1360 Fornebu

The situation has scaled up in Norway regarding the new virus, but we are optimistic, will do as planned, and expect things to go as normal at the opening next Friday. Otherwise we will keep you updated.

So, thats about it… Just reach out if there is anything!
Stay tuned, Stay Safe, Take care of your loved ones… and wear that got damn mask!

Friends Laos mural travel

Namkhan Ecolodge, Laos

Totally slipped my mind i hadn’t posted something on my whistle stop trip to Laos in February this year. Myself and Ben Eine headed off to Luang Prabang the religious capital of Lao on the Mekong River. Part of an ongoing art project at Nam Khan Project. Artists are invited to stay a week and make works inspired by the NamKhan Ecolodge. It’s a green sanctuary along the Namkhan river located in Luang Prabang, Unesco World Heritage city.

Surrounded by the farm, jungle and riding stables. A big thank you to the kitchen staff who cooked a storm up for us. Although they did owe me as i brought a top of the range ice cream maker with me from London and those things are NOT small…lol

Had a cracking week, Camping by the NamKhan. Boat trips up the Mekong, note to self, don’t jump off a moving boat in a fast moving river! Life there is so relaxed, the guys at the Lodge made everything possible. Hard to look at this as work at all, well fed , well watered and in the jungle by a river.

Guest house kitchen

We even managed to paint some pieces in town, a big thank you to Jean Marc and Danni for giving us the walls! A great trip out with a 13 hour stop over in Bangkok , meeting up with friends and trips to the tattoo parlour, what could of possibly gone wrong…just leaving this there.

Instagram the shit out of it.
Festival Friends Glastonbury murals Press sideshow

Unfairground 17

Ahhh, Glastonbury, It’;s a double edged sword. An obstacle course through a chaotic fairground. Due to the Cannes lions gig appearing in the middle of my usual build, work started early in June, dragging the sideshows out, fixing trailers, building 28 foot mouths the usual thing for a uncrew carnie . Each year we ask a new artist to paint the hoardings in the unfairground. I’ve know Inkie for many years and thought his style would give a post victorian edge to our twisted fairground setting.

This year i brought a new sideshow, Small fortunes, Dystopian futures that favour the unfair! Cross there palms in silver and delve into the future from our resident fortune tellers the Queens of the Underworld and Ted’s Walker. We had queues of the curious leaving satified if not perplexed.

We had a cracking year, with the misery of the previous years festival forgotten. No one can remember a hotter build, a fuller or friendlier festival. We had a Cracker!

Usual thanks to all the Uncrew! The folly family, our incredible production staff, everyone on the bars back stage and back! Jagz kooner, Bez, Scouse and fatty for the battle bus stage. OIf course for Sam Haggerty making it all happen in the first place and all those who came, watched the freak shows, danced and drank the night away or those that lost their shirts on the sideshows.

It was a cracking year, always a little Unfair but a bloody good laugh



Festival Friends Glastonbury group show sideshow

Cannes Lions 17

Didn’t really know too much about this festival before i was asked to decorate a sea front house for this advertising award brouhaha. Cannes, the perpetual summer luxury conference center location, hosts the major media bands for the Cannes Lions Awards. The beachfront is turned into a media playground with bands, brands and sands. There is not a dry throat in the house.

June is always Glastonbury and the unfairground and leaving site, from a ratty trailer to a rosé fuelled piss up on a beach was quite bloody culture shock..paint in the sun all week.then fly back to return on  the Friday of the festival, back to the unfairground family of freaks, but more of that later…

Cannes is best described through pictures. A big Thanks to Ruby stone Productions for making it all happen, IPG Mediabrands , UM and Initiative as well as Jay Streetplay

It was a funny week, a dream like break from the shouty field on worthy farm. I met a lot of people, thanks to Rita ora, Halle berry and Hannah Bronfman for being such good sports and showing me how a selfie works.



Friends group show murals Toyz

London Wall Street


Been involved in a great new space and its premier show. London wall street is a show curated by The Krah hosted at the Artcore’s new Crows nest gallery in Crowthorne road W10 6RP (nearest stop Latimer Road) London. It’s a really great show with old and new faces. Spent the week before the show painting up the front of the space, that can be seen from the West way flyover on your way in to london on the A40 (pics to follow)


There are several events happening over the coming weeks, with a load of bands on the 9th friday night, including Ruby Throat and Donut. With Pyratrix cabaret on the saturday the 10th of October. Entertainment till late with a bar as well as entrace to the art show.


collaboration Friends Music

The Way


It’s been a long association with the Buzzers, The Dotmasters and the C6 disaster unit provided the visuals for their 30th tour around the UK. Touring with a band is one of the best reasons for traveling around the country and hitting walls late at night we’ve ever found. This is the second album cover i’ve done, having already supplied the artwork for 30th’s tours subsequent Live album. It’s the Buzzcocks first full release on LP, CD, Download since 2006’s ‘Flat pack Philosophy’. The Album was funded by pledges online and show that the buzzcocks still have their finger on the pulse as far as new tech methods are concerned (I remember Pete Shelley’s ‘Telephone operator’ in 1983 working as a 8 bit video on the ZX Spectrum).  I look forward to getting my hands on a vinyl copy available here. A big thanks to Joe Giacomet for doing all the photography and layout.

I’m working on a silkscreen print at the moment of the cover, hand pulled in a few colour ways that i will release details of through this blog later in the month….so stay tuned.

Friends london photography

Studio Visit

I had Ian Cox pop down to the studio recently, it’s always nice hanging out with Ian, we’ve been working on things together since the early days of Nuart.  It’s a busy time in the studio right now with 3 sets of work going to shows in LA, Miami and the stroke art fair in Munich. Ian caught some great construction shots as the afternoon wore on.


Putting on the Ritz

With the Ritz just out the window, thought they needed a little extra security. Thanks to Ian Cox for the great photos

Festival Friends london


Family and friends are putting together a new festival venue down in the docklands that you will hear more and more about during the coming months. They start with a free party that is set to rock!  See you there!

Friends london stuff i like

Chrome & Black’s 3rd birthday bash

A great night out at Chrome & Blacks 3rd birthday last night, a motley crew assembled, fore warned that although paint had brought them together, this was not the time and place. A load of familiar faces, even if no one knew eachothers real names. After a raffle and some impromptu break dancing (jeez i haven’t seen anyone pull those moves on a night out for a decade) It was off to the shop for a lock in surrounded by paint and fragrant smoke. Well done Lads! Bloody great night from Londons premier Art suppliers….ahem.

Never seen the complete Belton range  without gaps in the racks….beautiful !