Just updated the Unfairground website, with pics and new sections about the venues in the unfairground you can check it out here www.unfairground.org
Category: Glastonbury
did i mention it rained? This picture got picked by the guardian to show the depth of the mud and depravity in the unfairground field, you can check out their other pics here
So back in the land of the toilet, a land far far away from the long drop loo. Muddy dirty and tired with a million things to do before i fly to Norway friday.
Much rain made the going underfoot swampy during the build but thankfully the weather cleared and the sun baked the mud into 2 foot waves by the time the festival started. The unfairground is a late night spot with stuff happening in the field starting at midnight. the sideshows were rammed and Old Boney proved a great hit, if you excuse the pun.
We had over 700 customers test their strength, but to be fair its hard to give it your best shot, off your tits at 4am in the morning in a muddy field. We had about 50 really strong guys who managed against the odds to ring the bell each of them receiving a original and unique art work for their efforts.
As you can see there were plenty of girls who attempted to ring the bell, hats off to them, it was a long way up! Thanks to all those who had a go, and congratulations to those truly strong folk who rang the bell.
What more prizes?
Fresh off the bone
Prizes! Prizes! Prizes!
Old Boney (under construction)
Well i have been banging on and on about this unfairground stricker for some time without revealing much about how it will look. Construction’s going well and at last i have something to show you.
This is just the top section, the whole thing stands over 6 meters tall, successful rings on the bell get Dotmaster prizes, original works, hand made voodoo dolls and some other surprizes. Its bloody big and bloody hard to win so its fits right in at the Unfairground at this years Glastonbury.
The best buy of the year for me (i know it’s sad but…) Large 1.1m 6KG rubber paving hammer for the Old Boney stricker for the unfairground at Glastonbury 2011 (shoe added for scale). If your there check it out, going to be dead silly, great fun, super prizes and only £1 a go. Roll up, Roll up. can’t wait to see a load of sad lost its trying to swing a bloody great mallet.
Old Boney
Welding on Old Boney started down at ‘One little girl and a can of gasoline‘ today with petethewelder and racheal at the helm. Old Boney being the new attraction at the unfairground for this years Glastonbury festival. The festival looms and time is short. Were a man down in the last 20 minutes of the game and the workers are loaded.