Well its that time of year again. The preparations are underway for the mother of all street art festivals, the first and the best, Nuart 2010. Riding high on the success of last years stunning Brooklyn show that combined gallery and street based works, the Nuart team plan an even bigger show for the streets of Stavanger, Norway. Running for the month of September, Nuart amasses some of the biggest names in urban art, for a show that pervades the city, joining works from previous years in a town that is fast becoming one of the worlds largest street art collections. City wide the buzz word this years seems to be GO BIG! With cherry pickers being towed in from all over the west coast to guarantee that this years artists can reach the parts other painters cannot reach.
Artists include:
Eric ilcane, Italy, Blu, Italy, Vhils, Portugal, Alexandros Vasmoulakis, Greece, Roa, Belgium, Dolk, Norway, Evol Gemany, M-City, Poland, Sten & Lex, Italy and of course Dotmasters, UK, with more to be announced
You can keep up to date at the Nuart website