Festival Friends group show


Pulled the stops out last wednesday, arrived at 8pm, started painting at 10pm and worked through the night and finished at 12pm. Solo one was there to keep me company while he painted the craziest piece ever. Photographs by Sandra you can see more of the shots of the day here.

Blek le Rat turned up to paint, it was nice to catch up with him, haven’t painted with him since Nuart. Tales of hunting wild boar and trips to Australia till early in the morning.

More info at Juxtapoz

collaboration group show london

Soldiers Juxtapozed

images courtesy of Sandra Butterfly

Nice review of the Schoony Boy soldier show By Sandra Butterfly at Blackall Studios in the east end. The show moves later this week to Graffik London in Portobello road, West London.

customized Friends group show

Soldiers on parade

photograph courtesy of Graffik london

What a great night and a great show! My worries about how all of these would look in one place were unfounded, it rocked! Amazing show not to be missed. All the artists really worked hard on this one, every Boy Soldier looked totally different and you could tell the substrate stretched the imagination. All the artists i talked to said that they struggled with these incredible panels, changing their minds many times on what to paint on them. Make sure you pop in, these are well worth the visit

customized group show

Gun angel

Here is my contribution to the Boy soldier show. The show comprises of 40 panels created by that master of the cast Schoony. The show opens next friday with a private view on the Thursday the 2nd. It opens in the east end and then travels to the west

East London: Thurs 2nd to Sat 4th September 2010.
Blackall Studios, 73 Leonard Street London EC2A 4AS.

West London: Mon 6th to Sun 12th September 2010.
Graffik London Gallery, 284 Portobello Rd, London, W10 5TE

Others in the show are: Goldie – D*Face – Dan Baldwin – Matt Small – Mau Mau – Inkie – Joe Rush – David Bray – Dotmasters – BEST EVER – INSA – K-GUY – Carrie Reichardt – Nick Reynolds -John Nolan – Haruka Irie Fin DAC – Part2ism – Liliwenn – Snub23 …and many more.

The show will raise money for SHP (“preventing homelessness promoting social inclusion”, a charity for London’s homeless people with close links to the city’s urban art movement.

customized Friends group show

War child

Nice article on Art of the state about Schoony‘s Boy soldier show, some great pictures from the studio and steve has shot some great shots of the substrate see below.

Photograph by steve from art of the state
Friends group show

The making of the boy

Nice Video of Schoony at work in his lair knocking out boy soldiers. it opens on the 2/3rd of september, promises to be a great show.

Festival group show Nuart

Nuart 2010

Well its that time of year again. The preparations are underway for the mother of all street art festivals, the first and the best, Nuart 2010. Riding high on the success of last years stunning Brooklyn show that combined gallery and street based works, the Nuart team plan an even bigger show for the streets of Stavanger, Norway. Running for the month of September, Nuart amasses some of the biggest names in urban art, for a show that pervades the city, joining works from previous years in a town that is fast becoming one of the worlds largest street art collections. City wide the buzz word this years seems to be GO BIG! With cherry pickers being towed in from all over the west coast to guarantee that this years artists can reach the parts other painters cannot reach.
Artists include:
Eric ilcane, Italy, Blu, Italy, Vhils, Portugal,  Alexandros Vasmoulakis, Greece, Roa, Belgium, Dolk, Norway, Evol Gemany, M-City, Poland, Sten & Lex, Italy and of course Dotmasters, UK, with more to be announced

You can keep up to date at the Nuart website

group show murals

White Cross Street

A great line up for the Whitecross urban art show, the street becomes a gallery for the works of  Best Ever , Burning Candy, Carrie Reichardt, David Bray, Dotmasters, Dr D, Filthy Luker, Gavin Turk, Giles Walker, Matt Small, Mysterious Al, Paul Insect, Peter Dunne, Shepherd Fairey, Teddy Baden, Will Barras, Wreckage, Xenz

An amazing TWO day event! Over thirty leading Artists and over ten underground Musicians playing Parisian style on Whitecross Street, East London. Lots of wonderful activities and things to do for ALL ages. Giant knitting, canival parades, silk screen workshops. A childrens photo booth, stencil printing workshops, live art demonstrations, birds of prey and lots more. There will be loads of lovely food available and places to relax to make a whole afternoon of this event.

Saturday the 24th of July and Sunday the 25th

check out the site here

or Facebook them here

customized Friends group show

Boy Soldier

Its a great line up, and a blinding substrate! Definitely not one to miss! In two locations so you have no excuse, now all i have to do is paint my one, at least i didn’t have to make 30 of these things like Tristan had to.