A cool interactive map for Nuart has been made by an unlikely source Aftenbladet you can see it here.
When i say unlikely it is because, as Stavangers widest read local paper it was astonishing to find absolutely no coverage of the event with in its pages during the weeks that it occured. The paper refused to cover the event stating (from an unnamed source) “that the paper had covered the festival for the last 9 years and didn’t see why it should cover the festival in its 10th year” of course this sort of logic is obvious to a provincial paper, ignoring the fact that the event was covered from the 4 corners of the planet by papers, magazines blogs and the like.
I’d like to thank Aftenbladet for the map, better late than never. Its a cool Map and shows each of the locations of the works as well up as pop up pictures of the works.