Preparing to paint down under the Westway at the Portobello Film Festivals outdoor cinema (just off Portobello Road). Part of this years festival program is ARTIST’S EYE where artists choose their favorite films, paint something in the cinema and introduce the movie of their choice before the screening.
On friday the 3rd of sept Blek Le Rat introduces Performance and I present Holy Mountain, we will be painting there over the coming days. On the 4th Inkie presents and paints from Mr Hulot’s Holiday. The 5th see’s Babooshka painting and introducing Barbarella. Solo one will be painting down there and other artists such as Patrick Hughes, Andrew Logan and Michael Horovitz will be introducing their fave films. A full program can be downloaded here
introduce their favourite films.
Category: murals
Its been the first week in Stavanger for the Nuart Festival this years festivities sees the launch of Nuarts ‘Landmark Series’, a series of huge walls around the Storhaug area in Stavanger. This week has seen Blu and Ericailcane and myself visit town and paint, the other artists on the program will come in September. The weathers been patchy with 4 seasons in one day, most days. After a ladder, scaffold and in the end a cherry picker its at last finished, Now all i have to do is run the production for everyone else…Special thanks to Bardia who helped with logistics and of course the Nuart Crew.
For those that don’t know a Toy is a derogatory graffiti name for someone who’s work sucks!
Below stunning work from Blu and eric ail cane
White Cross Street
A great line up for the Whitecross urban art show, the street becomes a gallery for the works of Best Ever , Burning Candy, Carrie Reichardt, David Bray, Dotmasters, Dr D, Filthy Luker, Gavin Turk, Giles Walker, Matt Small, Mysterious Al, Paul Insect, Peter Dunne, Shepherd Fairey, Teddy Baden, Will Barras, Wreckage, Xenz
An amazing TWO day event! Over thirty leading Artists and over ten underground Musicians playing Parisian style on Whitecross Street, East London. Lots of wonderful activities and things to do for ALL ages. Giant knitting, canival parades, silk screen workshops. A childrens photo booth, stencil printing workshops, live art demonstrations, birds of prey and lots more. There will be loads of lovely food available and places to relax to make a whole afternoon of this event.
Saturday the 24th of July and Sunday the 25th
check out the site here
or Facebook them here
After 14 months in the Mallorcan sun, rain and cold, the garage roof was looking tatty a day and a half’s touch up and its a good as new. Actually it looks a bit better, the sun has bleached the colours back and the paint has settled. The problems seem to have been caused buy the initial base coat not adhering to the concrete. Funny to repair work outside, often the council just seems to buff it out before it weathers at all. Off to Munich later today, I hear the Bavarian Councils curatorial position is one of the strictest in Europe.