stuff i like

Tokyo memories

It was almost a year since i was in Japan, recently a friend i met in Osaka, the amazing Ken has made a beautifully filmed short film for Mocatv about a few of the street artists that are working out of Tokyo and i thought i’d share it with you. If you ever want to paint in Japan then Ken’s your man!

customized london Uncategorized


Suppose its the right year to be messing with this sort of thing.  Remember,
I’m in East London, in a Diamond Jubilee year,  you can’t help but want to take some of these icons and make them your own.

union Tat



stuff i like

Ubu web

Saw this site ages ago and loved it! Followed a link to it today, to find it had quadrupled in size. A great resource for all those weird avant guarde films you can never find. There are hundreds of films in this archive they range from  Not I by S. Beckett which is absolutely terrifying, to Fat Boy Slim’s  weapon of choice which is frankly silly. Well worth a visit, Ubu Web