
High Roller

final_printsmReleasing this print today ‘High Roller’  A 10 colour print on 370 gsm Lambeth drawing cartridge  51cm x 72cm (20″ x 28″). It’s an edition of 50 available from here, It’s £150 plus P&P

group show street Uncategorized

Dubai report

Just left Dubai after a whirlwind week of a show, Art Dubai, and a spot of painting on JBL Walk. Urban Art is a pretty new thing for the United Arab Emirates and almost unknown in Dubai, so i was pretty impressed with the turn out at the courtyard gallery for the private view. You don’t get as diverse a crowd any where, Emirates Bikers on huge custom Harley’s mixed with Dubai’s glamourous art set and street artists from Beriut & Abu Dabi. The show POP Wall, mixed works from the Graffik Gallery’s stable of artists and middle eastern artists curated by the Courtyard gallery, flowing arabic handstyles next to western stencils and islamic pop art works, a great show that gelled to show a common humour and attitude.
It’s not so easy to find spots to paint in Dubai, there’s no tagging, no flyposting, despite an abundance of building site hoardings and amazing spots. With cans of paint hard to source and at an incredible cost (almost $24 a pop), not to mention strict rules and penalties its not hard to work out why. Coupled to the fact i was painting large piles of trash i was amazed to finally get something street side. I have to thank Otto and his team at the Ocean View Hotel for letting me play on their hotel front, just on JBL Walk.  By way of thanks i popped a few framed works around the hotel. If you want to convince someone something is art its often handy to have some whacking great gold frames to make the point.
Thanks to all who came to see the show, it runs till the 17th of April so if you didn’t get a chance to come down to the preview there is still time yet. A huge thank you to all who helped make this trip possible from Graffik, Ollie and Jay, who set the whole thing up and facilitated an amazing stay. From Courtyard, Samia and Nadine who were amazing hosts, put on an great show and found me spots to paint and The Ocean View Hotel, Otto and his team gave us free reign of the hotel and generally looked after our wants and need. Thanks all, see you next year?

group show travel

Pop Wall Dubai


I’ve been busy in the studio the last couple of months preparing for a couple of shows that are coming up in March and April in Dubai & Los Angeles respectively.

Dubai’s first up, with a show at the Courtyard Gallery in collaboration with Graffik gallery from London. It promises to be a interesting show with stablemates from Graffik and artists from the local Courtyard gallery merging middle eastern and western ideas of pop art.

The show coincides with the Dubai Art Fair, so there will be a buzz around town. We will be live painting in and around the gallery for a week or so, so if you have a public wall in need of some trash drop me a line via the contact form on the site.

The Courtyard gallery

Opening Reception: Sunday 16 March, 6:00 – 9:00pm
Exhibition Dates: 16 March – 17 April 2014
Gallery timings: Sunday – Thursday 10:00 am – 6:00 pm



prints show

Christmas tat

louis copy
An end of year clear out of the drawers has unearthed a few old favourites from the last few years, actually turned up quite a lot of paper. So with an eye on christmas and in the spirit of the season i’ve collated a few affordable low edition paper works for the Graffik Christmas party on Thursday December 12th starts around 6.30pm. Mulled wine and mince pies, probably accompanied by a crafty smoke and squinty eyes, there’s chances to win prints and photocopy your arse on the office copier. For more info check Graffiks FB

prints Uncategorized

Christmas Special

I’ve been digging through the drawers, looking at all the odds and sods i have there for a forthcoming christmas show at Graffik Gallery. Things are tough out there this Christmas season and the idea behind the show is affordable gifts for the festive season, so i’ve dug out some old and unreleased stuff that fits the price range for the show. While i was looking for things to put into their show i came across a stack of miss prints from my Toy edition. It’s a long story behind why they got printed, the reasons lie somewhere between a birth, an email and a change of printer… but the result was a series of prints that placed the bear in the centre of the page and not on the right hand corner as they finally appeared…These have been taking up space for some time now so in the spirit of the season here’s details of a unique print release that won’t break the bank.

xyzsmThe red letters go up to R and they are blue from S to Z

Here’s the idea, there are 26 in the series each one a 1/1 unique hand finished print. Its a 5 colour silk screen print hand finished with an acrylic rollered letter at the bargain price of £45 plus P&P. I will be releasing these through the shop on this site on Tuesday the 10th of December. Prints will be posted as soon as orders come in to make sure that they are with you by Christmas. Any questions should be directed through the contact page on this site.
Happy Christmas all!


travel Uncategorized

San Francisco update

Well if you can remember San Francisco, you haven’t been there, or so the saying should go. Had an amazing week in San Fran, it’s a hell of a town, Thanks to John, Kristen, Julio, Ben & Carrie and Megan.
Can’t really say why i was there, thought i’d be doing some stuff on the streets, having some meetings about projects to come…. but ended up painting large walls with Eine. However i did make a load of work thanks to the generous studio of EineSigns. It was a crazy week  and there’s little to say in words but apparently pictures speak louder so…

Thanks to megan at the Dog Patch Saloon who kept us watered, like good dogs, no one in San Francisco mixes a whiskey sour like you girl! You rock!

found london Toyz treasure hunt

East end winner


We have an East end Treasure hunt winner! Whats happening to you West end uys and gals? just checked with the last location and the 2nd prize for the West end searchers is still sitting there! If your still on route to either location, don’t worry if you arrive to late for the main prize, leave your email address and you get a chance at the prize draw for a consolation prize. so come on there’s still everything to play for!

found london Toyz treasure hunt

Treasure Hunt

Well it looks from reports that we have at least one winner. still waiting for confirmation, so if you are still out there following the trail, don’t be dismayed there is still a chance to win. If you get to the end of the trail simply leave your email address with the final destination and there will be a prize draw for a consolation prize, Probably a work on paper. So there is a point to finishing the trail, so carry on regardless. Thanks to all who braved the windy weather to take part. more updates as to whos one what to follow.

london Toyz treasure hunt Uncategorized

So to recap

So to recap you have to visit four locations in west london pick up the codes in each palce that will give you a map coordinate For example 51.524232 -0.073299 (its only a bloody example, don’t go here the only toy there will be you). Put the numbers in Google maps and voila you have the location go in ask for Steve or Jen and say “I’m a TOY can i have my TOY please” and you will be given your prize.

So the places you have to visit in this order are:

Graffik gallery, Portobello road W10 5TE
clues in the back garden

The old paddington Sorting office (punch drunks venue for  “The drowned man”)
Clues on the side fire escape door in Winsland Street,

1 Bramber Road W14 9PA
Clues on the the green telecoms box between North end road and No1 Bramber road

Smash Yard 22a Stable Way London W10 6QX
the clue is on the wall beside the entrance (don’t try to enter the yard there’s big scary dogs and Luke!)
Anyhow Happy hunting and good luck!


found london Toyz treasure hunt

Final Clue ….Clue four.


So code got here before me but hey it is his manor. So take a trip to Latimer road and venture under the westway, past the horses and into a nether world of mechanics yards and static caravans, the fourth and final clue is on the wall at the entrance of Joe rush’s old yard (mutoid waste department) . Also the head quarters of Smash who do all our production for Glastonbury. A home away from home. So once you have visited all four of the west London clues you will have all the 16 digits that will give you the final resting place of the TOY your seeking.