london street

Park St Cronx

I Painted a wall in Croydon on Park street a good number of years ago, think someone said it was 6! The space was agreed by the owner and was part of a larger number of works in the area. To be honest id forgotten about it, till someone posted a horrible picture of it a few weeks ago

Thats of google maps, I dont know which is worse to be honest.

I had 10 liters of black paint, left over from something and needed some 600ml cans for ‘Yes we can show’ at Atom gallery for the 9th of November. Once ordered i had to empty them (instructions from the gallery, something about postage)…so had 6 large cans to empty. Given the state of how the wall became , i need to create something bold that would cope with subsequent additions.

Black and white, dots kids and wallpaper while you wait for the bus.

The biggie was developed for a show in Tokyo with Hand inc. Ken last year, i haven’t painted them on the street in the UK, bet he gets a moustache and glasses, an arrow at least.

Of course i had to do a Indigo to replace the one i painted over, almost did the kids in primary colours , but chickened out. The different blacks work ok and a shadow goes a long to separate them.

Had a fun couple of days painting ending on Halloween, during the painting i re connected with the lovely lady who gave me the permission the first time i painted it, to be honest i hadn’t checked, (thinking something togo over the top of what existed was better than not painting it). Friendly place Croydon, had some good encouragement. Still have a large mural from the same time round the corner

Japan Rude Kids show street travel Uncategorized




Just back from Japan, i had a great time! First off a week in Tokyo with Gypsy eyes showing me around town, helping me find walls and the gallery Kawamatsu for a show on the 8th of October. I first visited Kawamatsu 4 years ago when i first had a show in Tokyo. The owner is a keen street art fan and had one of the only walls that you could paint legally in town. 4 years later i was exhibiting inside. Thanks to everyone who came, bought something and drank a little too much Asahi beer, it was a great night!
photograph Yuki Loroi

Finding walls to paint in Tokyo is tricky, Its a dense city with complicated wall ownership and a young appreciation of art on the street. However Gypsy eyes pulled it out of the bag with this stunning newly renovated cafe/bar soon to open called Kitsune (fox). A weird shape and full of windows with only the stencils i came with to work i think it worked. God knows it took us a couple of very long days to finish! Thanks to Taro who was an incredible help thorough out the week and to Murao who drove like a crazy man to get me around! Thanks all you made a fantastic visit!
address of the cafe
quick skateboard during the night.

soft furnishings

Going soft

Its your last chance to get your Dotmasters cushions, there are only 12 of these one off editions left. All of the cushions are unique, hand pulled by the artist and professionally tailored. There are 34 in this initial edition and they will not be repeated. To buy click here.

Each cushion comes with a patterned front with the back bearing the Dotmasters crest. Corded in complimentary colours fitted with invisible zips and filled with high quality duck down. Don’t miss your chance to own these one of a kind blandalist soft furnishings.

soft furnishings Studio work

Going Soft

Finally after months of development, the cushions are ready, the shops been made and now all i have to do is shift some duck feathers. They are available from the Dot shop here. They are all unique and will not be repeated, there is only 34 in the first offering, so go on, vandalize your sofa with some of the hardest soft furnishings available from the street.

Studio work Uncategorized

Printing in the studio

In the studio with Berit and silkscreens today. Playing with recent elements, trying versions, overprinting old work, trying out materials. The best bits are those long shots, the bits of things you remember you have and make them better by adding something. The worst, the things you forget to try and the things that looked good, but now don’t. More shots on Flickr

Mao Mao not yet banned in the studio

Mao Mao not yet banned in the studio