Festival Friends group show


Pulled the stops out last wednesday, arrived at 8pm, started painting at 10pm and worked through the night and finished at 12pm. Solo one was there to keep me company while he painted the craziest piece ever. Photographs by Sandra you can see more of the shots of the day here.

Blek le Rat turned up to paint, it was nice to catch up with him, haven’t painted with him since Nuart. Tales of hunting wild boar and trips to Australia till early in the morning.

More info at Juxtapoz

customized Friends group show

Soldiers on parade

photograph courtesy of Graffik london

What a great night and a great show! My worries about how all of these would look in one place were unfounded, it rocked! Amazing show not to be missed. All the artists really worked hard on this one, every Boy Soldier looked totally different and you could tell the substrate stretched the imagination. All the artists i talked to said that they struggled with these incredible panels, changing their minds many times on what to paint on them. Make sure you pop in, these are well worth the visit

Festival london murals

Portobello Film Festival

Preparing to paint down under the Westway at the Portobello Film Festivals outdoor cinema (just off Portobello Road). Part of this years festival program is ARTIST’S EYE where artists choose their favorite films, paint something in the cinema and introduce the movie of their choice before the screening.
On friday the 3rd of sept Blek Le Rat introduces Performance  and I present Holy Mountain, we will be painting there over the coming days. On the 4th Inkie presents and paints from Mr Hulot’s Holiday. The 5th see’s Babooshka painting and introducing Barbarella. Solo one will be painting down there and other artists such as Patrick Hughes, Andrew Logan and  Michael Horovitz will be introducing their fave films. A full program can be downloaded here
introduce their favourite films.

customized Friends group show

War child

Nice article on Art of the state about Schoony‘s Boy soldier show, some great pictures from the studio and steve has shot some great shots of the substrate see below.

Photograph by steve from art of the state
found stuff i like

Old model

Wandering around brick lane on my way to atlantis, spotted these. Don’t know who did em but loved the technique if not the subject matter. Aren’t these folk famous enough? Is it weird cutting stuff from other peoples pictures or is it just me? Who knows perhaps Nick Knight is getting up. Nice style though. Ian from Wallkandy reckoned they were some sort of viral ad campaign, figures.


Budget cuts needed

In these hard times of public spending cuts that will indeed affect front line services in the UK (Francis Maude). Surely the huge amount of money expended on graffiti removal in London and across the UK would be better used to educate our children and heal our sick?  Tower hamlets estimates that it costs £400,000 to remove graffiti from its streets, it states that graffiti across London cost £100 million to remove in 2002. Tower hamlets explains that “Graffiti can reduce property values and depress economic development.” surely they mean bankers.

The inspiration for this observation was the removal of the tag in the previous entry Tagger scum. It appeared over a weekend was stickered and was cleaned by Monday afternoon. The effort of all involved (except probably the tagger) beggars belief.

customized stuff i like

Tagger scum

Some helpful person is labeling the street. Don’t know who is weirder, the Tagger or someone so incensed that they produce a sticker to tell you something you already knew. Made me laugh though!