Author: swinhoe
It must be that time of year again, great line up for this my 7th year producing Nuart, particularly excited to have Saber, Eine and Sickboy over…sounds like trouble already!
Last minute painting in Tokyo
Osaka Rocks!
What can I say? Absolutely bowled over with Osaka! Rode into town on the shingasen super express necking beers with Gaz Mayall who was playing at a club called Stereo. As soon as we arrived were met at the station by the incredible Masa (Japanese on the outside but a true Jamaican to the core). An afternoon guided tour of the underbelly of downtown osaka by Gaz, Elenor and Masa of course accompanied with copious amounts of sake and eating anything from sparrows to poisonous fish, thanks guys you set the mood for the rest of my stay!
Eine had hooked me up with a local contact for finding spots to paint, enter KEN!!! Its hard to explain just how amazing this guy is. Japan is not the easiest place to get a can out, its a straight to jail gig if your caught and at best works are cleaned the next day by the owner, local knowledge is essential and you don’t get any better than Ken and his good friend Masagon ( the ninja assist). With Ken’s brother Takuya as driver we set off on our mission, 4 spots with almost 5 hours driving just to get to them all, in just one day. Of course with Ken as tour manager, masagon as the ninja assist (even had a torch for the last after dark hit) and Takuya at the wheel it was in the bag.
Met some amazing people along the way, ate amazing food and got up across the city. Thankfully the last spot was Stretch a really cool bar where we watched japan trounce the Egyptians (I know how lucky can you get?) Couldn’t of done it with out the OK crew,. Cheers guys! Osaka I love you!
Show Report
Amazing night at gypsy eyes gallery, a lot of fun had by all! Thanks to all who came! thank to all those that bought! Show is open for two weeks, so get down this weekend to see it. Thanks again!
Tokyo show
New bags for Japan show, cutting of the Chanel bag from the show and the test sprays of 3 more up market trash bags. Show opens on the 2nd of August at :
Heres a short film we made to promote the show in Japan, the show is on the 2nd of August at the :
So first couple of days on site at Fuji Rock Festival and the site is taking shape. up in the mountains, its hot as hell, but we ain’t complaining. The hospitality is amazing, incredible sushi at squishy’s (i presume its a nick name), and hot geo thermal baths after every days work and i though i was at a festival, feels like a holiday camp! The sideshows are slowly taking shape and the collection of sideshows and attractions are going to work really well together. We even have a group of indian fakirs coming from india to eat light bulbs and generally amaze us with their feats of strength.
Tea time for the crew….none of that green stuff for our crew, someone brought a industrial box of yorkshire tea with them.
So been beavering away, making stuff for Fuji Rock festival and getting the show together for Tokyo on the 2nd of August. The shippers have just taken the canvases, the spray paints ordered and last minute prizes for the high strikers are being made. I wouldn’t of guessed that i would have traveled to japan for the first time with a fire bell and a large rubber mallet in my bags but that’s the life of a traveling showman for you. The above shot is the last frame in of a time lapse that Calum and Saft films helped make to promote the Show, should be posted online soon (hi res version here). Well thats almost it, got the last mad run around picking up the odds and sods for both the High Strikers and the show and then its on the plane, the next post will be from Japan, but here’s a sneak peek at some of the new work for the show in japan.