
Safe Hands

This week the full Unfairground ™ Glasto crew got together for the first time… Yes it was messy, scaff pipe, wood and general workings are getting sorted, and next week the side shows go into production. But don’t worry you will be in safe hands….check out Fatties below.

your in safe hands
Traveling bench marks a must for any site!
Robin Hood Tax

Robin Hood Tax

The Robin Hood Tax were drumming up support yesterday with Mutate Britain at Cordy house in Shoreditch. An morning press call brought the cameras out on a thankfully sunny day. A small pop up show accompanied the proceedings and can be visited on Saturday and Sunday at Cordy house, Curtain road, Shoreditch. An article can be found here.

Bill Nighy posing for the press
Bill Nighy posing for the press
Robin Hood Tax

Cordy House

Just when you thought the old dog was dead, you find yourself back in cordy house with the usual suspects causing chaos. This time its the Robin Hood Tax , Dr D pasting up the walls outside, Teddy B doing the dog while Pete Dunn and Kevin sort the gallery upstairs. Thursday night see’s an opening of sorts of a like minded bunch supporting something that makes sense….i know advice from the delusional, but cordy house is alive again! Got some stuff upstairs in the show and some on the street below.

I love this door, its a beauty!
Robin Hood Tax

Robin Hood Tax

Cutting some new stuff for the Robin Hood Tax‘s press day on Thursday the 15th of April, Several of the Mutate Britain artists, Dr D, Wreckage and myself are hitting up Cordy House in curtain road to set the back drop for the broadcasts on Thursday.

0.05% stencil note for the centerpiece of a work at the press day on the 15th
Studio work

Diet Life revisted

Working on some smaller versions of the Diet Life work, one in board and one in 3mm aluminum as per the original, shown here in its unpainted state.

3mm aluminum
Studio work

Mao tea cake

Couldn’t resist a silk screened chairman on a favorite tea time Tunnocks wrapper. Lets hope either party don’t sue.

Mao and your favourite teacake
red bickie
Friends Mutoid waste department

Mutoid yard

Popped into Mutoid Yard to talk about painting things today. They have an event at The Round house, Camden next week, looks like one not to miss!



Welcome to the Dotmasters blog, giving you the latest news, events and creations of those hard to pin down Dotmasters. Hopefully this site will tie together content already out there and give information on up and coming projects and events.