
Year 6 Shacklewell Primary School

So, this week i’ve been a drop in teacher down at my daughters school in Dalston, Shacklewell Primary. The kids were great and cut some cool stencils of insects. Hats of to the teachers, thats a hard, hard job, and not something i could do every day!


Posting money

Making presentation packs for the MonroEIIR tenners, off to the post office tomorrow.



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collaboration london murals

Joy’s first wall

May is a big month in my house, after attack of the killer noni in the garden, work starts on replacing the jasmine in the back garden for joys 6th birthday. Faced with a large cinder block wall Joy and i decided to decorate it.

Joy painted most of it with the bits out of reach being painted by myself.

joys wall3

Joys wall 1

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fly bwoy

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One false move

One false move

Friends london stuff i like

A right royal knees up

Ok, it was a strange day and probably not the crowd that most people were hanging out with while kate and bill got married.  Baroness von Reichardt (aka Carrie) invited a whole lot of friends over for an alternative street party. Where, you may ask? Chiswick! I know bloody weird in itself! So weird in fact that Channel 4 were in attendance for their Unofficial Royal Wedding program that goes out on monday 2nd.
Although you could avoid watching it,  cut short due to the breaking news of the death of osama bin lightbulb. The short version is a blessing though, forgettable.

you could however read this article about carries’s brand of mayhem here ID magazine

An amazing day, allot of fun, I set up shop making MonroER tenners, Lots of folk brought their money to be doctored, did some twenties and even an Egyptian 100 pound note for Nick Reynolds, the sphinx getting the yellow hair treatment.


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Street party

customized london stuff i like

Crap top

Had to share this, i won’t name names (you know who you are), but thats some laptop!

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collaboration Friends london

Getting up in the school loos

Its easy to complain and harder to fix complaints. In this time of public spending cuts the friction between supply and demand of society and its infrastructure are at crisis. In the end i suppose, the message is if you want it done then fix it yourself. So we did, the loos for years 5 + 6 were in poor order and the parents teachers and care-taking staff all pitched in to repaint and spruce them up. A long day for the one coat crew and the kind help of Zadok from dead leg and Plastic bones.