So code got here before me but hey it is his manor. So take a trip to Latimer road and venture under the westway, past the horses and into a nether world of mechanics yards and static caravans, the fourth and final clue is on the wall at the entrance of Joe rush’s old yard (mutoid waste department) . Also the head quarters of Smash who do all our production for Glastonbury. A home away from home. So once you have visited all four of the west London clues you will have all the 16 digits that will give you the final resting place of the TOY your seeking.
Tag: toy
Clue 3 west side story
Ok so i have no clever clues for this one, and no real excuse as to why this is here, other than a good friend lives here. So get yourself over to Bramber road W14 9PB the clues on the green telecoms box at the north end rd of the street. Only one more clue to go and you’ll have all the digits to enter into google maps and that will take you to the Toy shop at the end of the hunt.
Treasure Hunt West side Clue 2
So if your playing this in the west you’ll be wanting your second clue. I’m going to droping clues fast an furious this morning to give you the weekend to hunt them down. Clue 2 is where you would go to see The Drowned Man. It’s a big building so you’ll be needing a picture to give you a guide.
Here’s the stencil you’ll be looking for (below), the blank space at the bottom has the four numbers you have to take note of at each location, collect all 16 and then enter them in the order you collected them into google maps and hey presto you have final resting place of the Mr potato Head Toy
DM Toyz present the first in a series of Toyz ‘Mr Potato Head’. Standing at 14″ (that’s over a foot of Spud). A limited edition of 12 that comes box fresh these will be available at the End of the lines and Supreme beings ‘White canvas project’ this Thursday the 17th and soon to be available online from this site. Next week two of the edition will be hidden somewhere in London, in order to find them you will have to follow the clues that will start here, happy hunting.
East meets West.
There is obviously a lot going on this week, the art world goes nuts in London, piggybacking on the fact that they’ve put up a large tent in regents park… (Before you get too excited it’s not a funfair…but a totally different kind of circus.) So to mark the occasion i’m doing a couple of shows on the same night. Of course this is Art we are talking about so i’m going to have to use that dreaded word ‘Juxtaposition’. There is one East and one West, each the antithesis of the areas they inhabit. “In the West corner weighing in at 655 pounds Lamberty’s Urban & Pop. A suave evening guaranteed, Champagne cocktails, elegant swag and some of the finest Dotmasters High Class Trash, 6pm-9pm Thursday 17th of October. And in the East corner weighing in at £4.50 The White Canvas project, a rooftop celebration of all things aerosol. A great line up, live painting, bar, Dj’s a proper old shindig where you will be able to buy my Mr Potato head Toy edition (unless you want to wait to see if you can find the ones i will street drop in my treasure hunt the week after). So if your Classy check out trash in the West or if your trashy check the show in the East and if your schizophrenic catch them both. Looks like it will be a busy night!
It’s early days up at Tou for Nuart13, Roa, David Choe, Dot, Dot, Dot and myself have started popping up around town. The weathers great (for the moment) so we’re lapping it up. Loads more folk turn up at the weekend, and it looks like it’s going to be a busy week. It’s been a long time since i painted at Nuart, the last thing was the large Toy bear at the end of Pedersgate, so keeping with that theme… There’s a mean old Toy turf war going on out there, with Kewpie dolls lining out Action men, tin toy Robbie the robot having beef with Mr potato Head, there’s trouble in Toy town.
Getting up in the school loos
Its easy to complain and harder to fix complaints. In this time of public spending cuts the friction between supply and demand of society and its infrastructure are at crisis. In the end i suppose, the message is if you want it done then fix it yourself. So we did, the loos for years 5 + 6 were in poor order and the parents teachers and care-taking staff all pitched in to repaint and spruce them up. A long day for the one coat crew and the kind help of Zadok from dead leg and Plastic bones.
Toy Series 2
Nice to see the folks at juxtapoz featuring my TOY Nuart piece
It can be found here
Its been the first week in Stavanger for the Nuart Festival this years festivities sees the launch of Nuarts ‘Landmark Series’, a series of huge walls around the Storhaug area in Stavanger. This week has seen Blu and Ericailcane and myself visit town and paint, the other artists on the program will come in September. The weathers been patchy with 4 seasons in one day, most days. After a ladder, scaffold and in the end a cherry picker its at last finished, Now all i have to do is run the production for everyone else…Special thanks to Bardia who helped with logistics and of course the Nuart Crew.
For those that don’t know a Toy is a derogatory graffiti name for someone who’s work sucks!
Below stunning work from Blu and eric ail cane