Festival travel

Marrakech Biennale


In Marrakech this week painting for the Biennale with MB6, amazing place, really another world. Its early days and i’ve just started painting, going to be a weird Dotmasters piece and i have had to find something non figurative to fit with the local culture. More info as it happens

Festival london prints

Print release!

The print pre release and launch event went well. Thanks to everyone who came to the Seven Dials spotlight festival and bought a print. We are over half way through the edition now with the Fluro pink edition sold out.  If you still haven’t got a print you can buy it from Imitate Modern Gallery online here.


Festival Glastonbury

Site Beef


So another year another sideshow! This years new creation is Site Beef! The worlds first meat based 1st person shoot me up! Steak prizes too! This years creation is a collaberative affair between some old faces from behind the scenes, Dotmaster, Webbo and multi media from Italia the one and only Erwin & Carlo. The sideshow is based on an old Rice trailer refitted and beefed up! So if your in the Unfairground at Glastonbury festival this year then pop on over to win exclusive limited edition dotmaster steak prizes!
mazing punch ups by the one and only Dr zadok!

Festival Nuart Stavanger Uncategorized

When the Music’s over….Turn off the lights.

Well it’s been a busy, blurry week. Finally there is little to do other than travel home tired and a bit broken. A truly amazing week with a really nice bunch of people. This years Nuart had an amazing bunch of volunteers who helped us all paint walls, drive cars, find lost phones and generally provide the momentum that created the show. They are too numerous to mention, but i will try (if i’ve forgotten you, nudge me and i’ll add your name). Thank you Vegar, Andreas, Erik, Annette, Joanna ,Crystal, GT, Ove, Mirian, Gjoa, Graham, Chris, Emma, Nina, Trym, Liz, Ruth Adele, Epiphany and Thomas. The production team rocked and occasionally rolled. While we lick our self inflicted wounds and pick over the photos here’s a few of the ones i found this morning. There will be a steady stream over the coming weeks. Can’t wait to see the backstage shots that Kay Donnelly caught (it got very messy). Photographs below by Erik Furuland
putupjobflapPhotographs below by Ian CoxIMG_7844_800_Artist_Dotmaster_Nuart_2013_Photo_©_Ian_Cox_2013IMG_5333_1200_Artist_Dotmaster_Nuart_2013_Photo_©_Ian_Cox_2013_1IMG_4941_1200_Artist_David_Choe_Nuart_2013_Photo_©_Ian_Cox_2013_1IMG_6642_1200_Artist_Culture Minister_Nuart_2013_Photo_©_Ian_Cox_2013Nuart was visited by the Cultural Minister for the Norwegian Government, just as you think you’re getting some sort of recognition, they have a bloody election and oust the buggers…oh well bet we will be favourites with the new right wing government….Not!
Well, thats it for another year, can’t wait to show you the silly side of the festival…coming soon!



Festival Nuart Stavanger

Nuart 2013

It’s early days up at Tou for Nuart13, Roa, David Choe, Dot, Dot, Dot and myself have started popping up around town. The weathers great (for the moment) so we’re lapping it up. Loads more folk turn up at the weekend, and it looks like it’s going to be a busy week. It’s been a long time since i painted at Nuart, the last thing was the large Toy bear at the end of Pedersgate, so keeping with that theme… There’s a mean old Toy turf war going on out there, with Kewpie dolls lining out Action men, tin toy Robbie the robot having beef with Mr potato Head, there’s trouble in Toy town.




commission Festival Nuart street

A call for walls in Stavanger


It’s often hard being an artist and head of production for Nuart, your often too busy to really make a mark and often facilitate other artists walls before turning to your own needs. So this is a call for walls, to you the people of Stavanger. Have a Dotmaster work upon your wall! I’ve been coming to the town for 8 odd years now…jeez… Half my bloody facebook is in Norwegian! So now its time to call in a few favours. I need some walls to host my own work around the town of Stavanger. I made around 5 over life size characters to dot around town (excuse the pun) and need a few walls that are 2.5m high by 1.8m-2.5m wide…Ring any bells? Perhaps the side of your house, shop or oil museum? Don’t hold back! it just needs to be flat (i know, i know, that cuts a lot of traditional houses, but…) any colour will be considered. If thats not you, then perhaps you know someone with wall, perhaps they have a boat, a business, an oil museum? If you do then mail and ask for Super Marte

Festival film group show

Easter Break Widewalls Movie

It’s taken a little time but those guys at widewalls have made a pretty sweet movie to remind us all of what happened that easter weekend in Mallorca. With so many friends both in front and behind the camera its a family affair, with Saft films shooting and editing it, Hidden sound doing the audio and of course Nick Walker, Lucy Mclaughlan, Conor Harrington, Zadok, Sickboy, Loomit, Banek,Eziquiel and myself painting any surface available.

Festival group show london Nuart portobello Uncategorized

Portobello Film Festival


I’ve been working on some new surfaces and sub-straights, painting bags on bags and working out some new luxury and necessity brand bags to add to my piles (now that sounds wrong). There’s a few shows coming up the first is those nice guys at the Portobello film festival, This years show features works by myself and Joe Rush, Sickboy, Code FC, Lucy Sparrow, Teddy Baden, Peter Dunne, Solo One, Alex Wreckage, Cosmo, and Red Dog.  This years show’s venue is the wonderful space at the Louise T Blouin Foundation. Then its off to Nuart with a whole new set of works for the streets of Stavanger.

With some works in a group show in Cape Town in early September its a hectic August. Oh yes and i forgot, the High strikers going to Bestival so look out for it there accompanied by the gobbler and the crack heads to add a twisted unfair corner to the festival.


Festival Nuart Stavanger

Nuart 13

t’s been a busy summer, next on the horizon is Nuart. I have been busy playing away in the studio with some new stuff to throw around the streets of Stavanger, looking forward to seeing all Stavanger Crew once more, here’s hoping the weather holds…as ever!

Festival Glastonbury Mutoid waste department

Glastonbury Unfairground 2013

Well its been a while since the last post, I’ve been down on Worthy Farm for Glastonbury festival. The Unfairground is under new management and the weather and the wind were behind us on this one! Sam haggerty is the new Unfairground manager…LoL… and other than a brief downpour on the thursday all went according to plan. Loads of new stuff went off in the field this year, Strapper from Wreckon inc made these amazing upright cars that defied gravity and gave us something new to put a mark on, cheers Strapper!
We had the new Acid lounge made by the one and only Shaun, hosting Primal Scream on the saturday and Mad professor on the sunday, amazing to get such big names in such a small field! The horridor was a new attraction..i was too scared to visit but those that did were scared for life.

acid_loungesm horridorsm

The 3 high strikers were in full effect and with a great team to run them the bells rung all night! Cheers to all who tried and congratulations to those who managed to prove their
metal and ring the bloody bells.



Bez gave it all he could with those who never stacked boxes back in the day. in all a great week in Somerset, cheers to all who came and tried to win and failed! to those that won, count yourself very very lucky!