collaboration commission london

Trailer Park

Trailer park asked a group of us to paint out the white walls at cordy house for a party this weekend 17th and 18th of December. The team was Myself, Zadok, Nelly from Best Ever, Wreckage, and Matty webb.  The theme was containers, so we faked the look of a container yard.



more photos here

collaboration london murals

Cordy House

Well started at last painting Cordy House its a bloody big wall and we have a monster scissor lift and a hell of alot of paint so looks like its happening. Should be finished by the weekend ish.

Heres a picture of the team a painting, thanks to Addict for the dope clothes! I am sure they will keep us warm during the week. The team are Best ever, Dead leg, Dotmasters.


Paste up

group show london

Small acts of resistance

The Dotmasters will be showing some new work at the show ‘Small Acts of Resistance’ which will preview on November 4th  at Black Rat Projects (behind Cargo) on Rivington Street. The show will includes an installation by Swoon as well as works by Peter Kennard, Matt Small, Know Hope and Armsrock

london mad pride protest

You’d have to be Mad not to protest

So the Mad Pride tribe came together for the day of action in Hyde park at speakers corner yesterday. As i arrived the effigy sporting a double faced head (made during an effigy making workshop at Core arts the week before) hung from a tree. As the chill wind blew, it spun to reveal the lying eyes of both cameron and osbourne. The demonstrators sporting their new Mad pride tee shirts and holding the placards of earlier posts, listened to rallying cries of defiance and sad tales of psychiatric miss adventure. These cuts shouldn’t hurt our societies most vulnerable but  it seems that those whose voices are the weakest will be the ones who pay the dearest. After poetry, call to arms and a  two minute scream, the effigy was beaten with some gusto, its entrails (sausages) finally being cooked on an open fire made of its body and devoured by the crowd.
The event was important in generating a sense of unity among the displaced and medicated, in these troubled and stressful times there may not be much that separates the sane from the mad, there but for the grace of god go i.

london mad pride protest

Out and about

london mad pride Studio work

Mad campaign trail

Its been a busy week in the dot studio with preparations for the Mad Pride demo. Placards have been made for the event and 100 tee shirts for the demonstrators. I think the tee shirts will be on sale from the Mad Pride website in the near future.

london Press Studio work

Studio visit

Helen Soteriou from Juxtaposed visited the studio a couple of weeks ago for a chat and to take some photos, check em out at Juxtaposed here.



Finished these just in time to pick up a free drink at the Moniker Art fair.

Friends london stuff i like

Kids vs chocolate jesus

Nick Walkers show opened last night…. allot of fun was had by all. Loved the chocolate jesus destroyed by Mr W’s wonderful girls, a real family affair! Great show, have a look 7 Howick Place SW1 1BB