I have a Solo show in Wynwood arts district at the moment. Nice large space with some very large works on canvas. If your in the area check it out!
Category: show
Just back from Japan, i had a great time! First off a week in Tokyo with Gypsy eyes showing me around town, helping me find walls and the gallery Kawamatsu for a show on the 8th of October. I first visited Kawamatsu 4 years ago when i first had a show in Tokyo. The owner is a keen street art fan and had one of the only walls that you could paint legally in town. 4 years later i was exhibiting inside. Thanks to everyone who came, bought something and drank a little too much Asahi beer, it was a great night!
photograph Yuki Loroi
Finding walls to paint in Tokyo is tricky, Its a dense city with complicated wall ownership and a young appreciation of art on the street. However Gypsy eyes pulled it out of the bag with this stunning newly renovated cafe/bar soon to open called Kitsune (fox). A weird shape and full of windows with only the stencils i came with to work i think it worked. God knows it took us a couple of very long days to finish! Thanks to Taro who was an incredible help thorough out the week and to Murao who drove like a crazy man to get me around! Thanks all you made a fantastic visit!
address of the cafe
quick skateboard during the night.
Rude Kids at Graffik Gallery
Just before i set off to Glastonbury Festival for the Unfaiground a few things came together in a weird culmination of events from several different strands. 10 days before i left we met on Portobello Road to discuss the promotion of a collaboration i was doing with Pills and dollar Bills. Around the table were, Attollo art, Graffik gallery, Pills and dollar bills and myself, June is a bugger for me, Glastonbury breaks me every year, I return a shell of myself and can’t face leaving the bed for daze. The festival ends on the 29th so the proposed date of the 1st was put back to the 14th… It was all still a stretch!
I got so much done before i left for the unfairground, but still it was a hell of a schedule when i got back. Add a large install into Home House members club (see next post) to the list of a solo show, a large mural to be done in a day it was going to be a tough week.
The show
Show photos by Bronwyn Boyle
Cant believe we got a Chelsea hero to wear a shirt! Thanks Mikel!
Well we managed it all, can’t say it was easy, but with the help of Jay, ollie, Kate, Vestalia, Tamsin, Rashid, Webbo, Dani, Bronwyn and joy it was a dam sight easier!
On the 14th of July i will be Launching a cool collaboration i have been working on for some time with Pills and Dollar bills. Over the last 6 months we have been dreaming of producing some of the loudest, brashest hoodied tops and bottoms on the market. All over prints, embroidered elements, this things are gonna rock! As a taster of things to come P&DB and i are showcasing some designs in a dotmasters show at Graffik Gallery. I am painting the front of the gallery, installing one of the Glastonbury auto beggers and generally causing chaos in Portobello road. Join us for some fashion, some art and some cocktails!
Big Bang
The Westbank Gallery have moved, and their first show in their new space is Big Bang a group show in a really quite cool space, It was the old social centre, so it has a bar in the middle of it, it’s a cool place to see art, or have a drink, or both. There’s a lot of friends in the show and last night was a good chance to catch up, not sure the tequila helped much.
I had other works planned for it, but with the death of Lemmy and Bowie recently i had to mark there passing somehow and the dollar bills seemed a good way to do it, the serial numbers are their birthdays and dates of their deaths.
The shows on for a month, nearest tube is Ladbroke grove, adress is 3-5 Thorpe Close W10 5XL, it’s under the westway.
I know it’s all a bit late but the reason to write it up is so i can remember where and what the hell i have been doing over the last few months…to be honest it’s been a bit of a blur.
Old friend and collaborator Martyn Reed invited me to Stavanger to do a show at his gallery Reed Projects.There is work available from the show on their online gallery here
widewalls gave some nice coverage here
We produced a print for the event the latest in the TOY series that are dotted all over town from years gone by:
Los Angeles
It’s been a crazy couple of weeks making work for several shows. First off the bat is LA show opens 24th of April, at LAB art. A week later a small pop up show in Miami details to follow later in the week. Meanwhile at Stroke art fair in Munich long time collaborators Widewalls take a stand showing Dotmaster works from The Widewalls Collection as well as a special exhibition ‘Photographie München’; an installation by Brazilian artist Ale Jordao; the black-light artist Lukas Fertsch; and an on-site tattoo studio.
217 S. La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles CA
An end of year clear out of the drawers has unearthed a few old favourites from the last few years, actually turned up quite a lot of paper. So with an eye on christmas and in the spirit of the season i’ve collated a few affordable low edition paper works for the Graffik Christmas party on Thursday December 12th starts around 6.30pm. Mulled wine and mince pies, probably accompanied by a crafty smoke and squinty eyes, there’s chances to win prints and photocopy your arse on the office copier. For more info check Graffiks FB
So as i slog through the mud in the Unfairground down in Pilton, there’s a small show of my work on at Andrew Lamberty’s out west on the Pimilco Road. Talk about extremes! Andrews space is lush. A large plush room of beautiful things, so i’ve risen to the luxury expectations of the area and installed some very very high class trash.