group show london portobello show

Big Bang


The Westbank Gallery have moved, and their first show in their new space is Big Bang a group show in a really quite cool space, It was the old social centre, so it has a bar in the middle of it, it’s a cool place to see art, or have a drink, or both. There’s a lot of friends in the show and last night was a good chance to catch up, not sure the tequila helped much.

I had other works planned for it, but with the death of Lemmy and Bowie recently i had to mark there passing somehow and the dollar bills seemed a good way to do it, the serial numbers are their birthdays and dates of their deaths.

The shows on for a month, nearest tube is Ladbroke grove, adress is 3-5 Thorpe Close W10 5XL, it’s under the westway.

commission london murals Toyz

Ragdoll update

I was super lucky to get Ian Cox  (aka Wallkandy) down while i was painting the Astroboy in Croydon, he takes a great shot and i thought i’d share them. Cheers ian!

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commission london murals street Toyz

Astro Boy hits Croydon

Picture by Ian cox aka Wallkandy
The second mural as part of the Croydon Mural Project is finished! Luckily i was the first artist to be asked to paint so… when offered a wall, I thought i could put one on the wall opposite and have the two Toys facing each other, luckily they said yes. After the very girly image of the Ragdoll i thought it would be nice to produce an image that was more male, Astroboy! All of the toys i paint are actual toys from my shelf of plastic crap i have in the studio (see below), Astroboy was something i got given in Japan a few years ago when i was doing a show with Rat king in Tokyo and have painted smaller versions for shows as part of the Toy series but really wanted to see it big!
A huge thanks to the Croydon Mural Project for getting me the walls and sorting out all the logistics. I had a fun couple of weeks in Croydon if not a little wet and i look forward to seeing what other artists put up around the town during the duration of the project

london murals Toyz

Croydon Toys



There are some new toys in Croyden! I’ve been painting there for a week and the first wall is done. The second is underway and should be finished by Friday. The two will stand opposite each other and are part of the biggest toy’s in Toy Town series first started years ago at Nuart in Stavanger.There’s loads of new street work in Croydon at the moment and there’s series of large scale street works planned by The Croydon Mural project which is produced by The Rise Gallery and Attollo art, Cheers guys!

can be found on google maps here


Friends group show murals Toyz

London Wall Street


Been involved in a great new space and its premier show. London wall street is a show curated by The Krah hosted at the Artcore’s new Crows nest gallery in Crowthorne road W10 6RP (nearest stop Latimer Road) London. It’s a really great show with old and new faces. Spent the week before the show painting up the front of the space, that can be seen from the West way flyover on your way in to london on the A40 (pics to follow)


There are several events happening over the coming weeks, with a load of bands on the 9th friday night, including Ruby Throat and Donut. With Pyratrix cabaret on the saturday the 10th of October. Entertainment till late with a bar as well as entrace to the art show.


Festival london prints

Print release!

The print pre release and launch event went well. Thanks to everyone who came to the Seven Dials spotlight festival and bought a print. We are over half way through the edition now with the Fluro pink edition sold out.  If you still haven’t got a print you can buy it from Imitate Modern Gallery online here.


london prints

Indigo gets up…Before & After

‘Indigo gets up…Before’ & ‘…After’ .The latest in the Rude Kids series.The characters in the Rude Kids series are friends and family, all under 12 and simply too nice to ‘flip the bird’ or vandalise your walls. With teenage years looming, those days are just round the corner; for now, these kids are still too sweet and without the angst to convincingly pull it off. The series captures these kids while they’re still just ‘rude kids’.

This edition includes three colour ways of ‘Indigo’, with two versions: a ‘Before’ she tags the Mona Lisa and an ‘After’. Opinion was split as to which one we liked best, so we thought we’d leave it to you, in these low edition size series of prints.
5 colour silkscreen on 375gsm Lambeth drawing cartridge


The three colours are:

                    Fluro Pink Before  edition1/6                     Fluro Pink After edition 1/6
pink combo_insta
                   Orange Before  edition1/11                     Orange After edition 1/11
                   Violet Before  edition1/13                     Viiolet After edition 1/13

Fluro pink edition ….Before 1/6 £190, Fluro pink edition ….After 1/6 £190
Orange edition…..Before 1/11 £170, Orange edition…..Before 1/11 £170
Violet edition….Before 1/!3 £150, Violet edition….After 1/!3 £150
There will be a pre-sale today the 11th of August where we will sell 3 from each colourway both the before and after, a total of 18 of the prints. The rest being sold at 58 neal street in seven dials, Covent Garden London at saturday the 15th of August any not sold on the day will be offered online on the 17th of august.

Prints will be available from Imitate modern here.


commission cushions Hotel soft furnishings

Exhibitionist hotel

It has been a bit busy over the last few months to do updates, so this is a blog catch up. The exhibitionist hotel’s Trash city suite opened on the 13th of may, with this inside outside thing going on. Wallpaper and gilt frames on the balcony and trash and flash on the inside.

A good time was had on the opening and room service had a heart attack but a lot of fun was had by all Thanks Exhibitionist hotel and to attollo-art for making it possible.
sophiesm trashed

customized Hotel london murals




currency london prints products Uncategorized

Trash n’ Cash 13th -29th


It’s been a lock down autumn preparing for shows in London this month and Miami the next. Plans for the show started in the spring, and over the last few months i got to know the gallery and area. Its a fun pop art gallery in the centre of Marylebone, I used to work in a sandwich cafe down the road when i first left school many years ago. Since then it’s become a well heeled W1 address, the Chiltern firehouse down the road a hot spot for London’s celebrity nightlife. It’s certainly a different location to the place i used to know.


With that in mind the title Trash n Cash seemed apt. Big bucks, black bags and swearing kids on found objects, neon and real hard cash. A list branded trash bags, backed by damask drapes and a theme of defaced currency very much a show for W1.


The show is open till the 29th of November, there’s a little something for everyone with a limited edition set of tee shirts, modelled below by Miss Sophie Hermann, with print details below



There are two prints as available

Rude kids 2 colour silk screen Edition of 29 on Arches rives 250gsm paper embossed and signed at £80 available here

Rolled gold (Tiffany) 10 colour silk screen edition of 40 on 375 gsm on Lambeth paper embossed and signed at £180 available here