group show

GP Art London

The Guest Bassett gallery has had a makeover, come see the space and some works by myself and friends.

group show stuff i like travel Uncategorized

Peace angel tunnel

What a day! What a place! Painting with Daim and Loomit today!!! Heroes of mine and painting at the same place and same time, it couldn’t get better, ok it could be summer, not -1, not snowing but other than the chapped lips and cold toes, it rocked! This Tunnel is amazing, work by flying fortress guesting Akut’s eye, Loomit, Daim a shit load of the best guys you could ask for, will get a full list tomorrow.
managed a few walls, you will have to excuse the poor photography from my blackberry, better shots to come tomorrow, too late, too tired and too cold.
the Tunnel is well worth a visit if your in Munich. All works look set to ride for a year or so, they are all protected with that dam anti graffiti wax that stops us touching things. Never had so many people stop to talk about a zone, reminded me of nuart in a way, a lot of love for this tunnel in this town.

collaboration murals travel

Munchen tunnel

Landed in Munchen this afternoon, went to the ghostyard paint shop where they raided their own personal stash for some shades they didn’t have on the shelves and went to visit where i am painting tomorrow.

Its a cool cycle tunnel by the river isar the tunnel has been curated by loomit and its looking great, Its a stroke of luck to get into this cool spot! Most of the artists have painted their walls with only loomit and myself left to paint. Theirs snow on the ground and its bloody cold, but tomorrow looks set to be a day of foot stamping and hand clapping spraying….cant wait. More photos to follow.


Call for walls

Off to Munich to paint some stuff but need a few more walls, any walls considered, let me know via the contact form on this site. I will be painting the recent Man machine stuff, should be some test sprays up here over the next few days. Bavarians lend me your walls.

group show london

Small acts of resistance

The Dotmasters will be showing some new work at the show ‘Small Acts of Resistance’ which will preview on November 4th  at Black Rat Projects (behind Cargo) on Rivington Street. The show will includes an installation by Swoon as well as works by Peter Kennard, Matt Small, Know Hope and Armsrock

london mad pride protest

Out and about



Finished these just in time to pick up a free drink at the Moniker Art fair.

Friends london stuff i like

Busted Parachute

Popped round to Sickboy’s studio to pick up my copy of Busted Parachute, great box set, two prints, beautifully put together book, and wooden box to keep it all together. Really nice presentation set you can buy them from here but be quick word is they are going fast.

Festival Press Stavanger

Nuart Map

A cool interactive map for Nuart has been made by an unlikely source Aftenbladet you can see it here.
When i say unlikely it is because, as Stavangers widest read local paper it was astonishing to find absolutely no coverage of the event with in its pages during the weeks that it occured. The paper refused to cover the event stating (from an unnamed source) “that the paper had covered the festival for the last 9 years and didn’t see why it should cover the festival in its 10th year” of course this sort of logic is obvious to a provincial paper, ignoring the fact that the event was covered from the 4 corners of the planet by papers, magazines blogs and the like.
I’d like to thank Aftenbladet for the map, better late than never. Its a cool Map and shows each of the locations of the works as well up as pop up pictures of the works.

Festival nuart2010 Stavanger

Nuart walking tour
